I AM ONCE HEALTHY AGAIN~ (; /tears of joy
I feel so refreshed and clean; purified! LOOL I also did my POP HIIT today. It wasn't as bad as the previous three exercises, but still intense and made me cry!:(
I've been doing lots of thinking today.... And.. Well I'll just list them out sequencially(:
1. I'm going to start making graphics for others, and maybe apply for a position at an AFF shop? Maybe... I'm still not sure if I want to, so I'm giving out free graphics... Just request them!(:
~If you want to request something (I take anything. Literally. Posters for your stories; desktop backgrounds, you and your bias [I actually photoshopped my friend's face onto Sulli's so it would seem as if she was kissing Minho xD], etc)
~So just request on my Tumblr or AFF
2. I'm most likely not going to title my post anymore... Just keep them with the hastag and the date. I'm seriously out of ideas as to what to title each post LOOOL
3. I'm going to post pictures of my meals and upload them here... Although I'll try. If I eat out (which most likely will not happen, except for occasional yum chas...), then most likely I won't be able to snap a picture:( Although, if I'm at home, I'll snap everything that goes in my mouth!(:
~Anddddddd I'm going to start now!(: I eat my meals every 2-3 hours, so I don't have lunch or dinner or things like that.
Morning/Breakfast: Yum Cha with the family. I didn't eat much meat... Let's see... I ate one chicken feet, this delicious food that had a mushroom at the bottom and shrimp on the top, vegetable and shrimp dumplings, and drank lots and lots of water(:
2nd meal: Yogurtland... Yes... That's not exactly "healthy" but I got the flavors: green tea, mango, pistachio, and taro with the toppings: strawberry & watermelon.....with A LITTLE BIT oreo crumbs... teehee
3rd meal (I guess you can call this dinner?):
Salad~~~ with teensy bit ranch dressing, some corn bits, and sauteed mushroom, onions, eggs, and carrots... with a side dish of blueberries(:
4th meal/Last meal:
Mushroom, onion, and cheese omelette with a chopped tiny weensy tomato~
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