Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#ThisIsMyJuly Day 24

So... I just finished eating 2 choco pies. Haha.

I completed my POP HIIT that I was supposed to do yesterday, today, but only 2/3 sets. Yes, it's incomplete, but I really couldn't continue to go on. My mom even had to tell me to stop. So I did, and didn't regret anything. Why? Because doing something is better than doing nothing at all. However, I did do the added cardio.

My dad decided to go out to eat merely because "we haven't went out to eat for dinner in such a long time". And as usual, we went to an Chinese restaurant. The place was really empty! They even closed off a section and opened a small section, the size of my living room (the section opened had about 10 four people tables and 5 party size tables).

The waiter and manager was reallllllllly nice to my family via serving wise and hostpilaty wise. I guess they just want more tip. Meh, they got it. My dad unhesitatingly gave out 20 dollar tip... If it were the cheap me, I would give 10 the most!!

School is almost coming up around.. Ugh I don't like school, not because of the homework load, but because of peer pressure... Uh.

Daily Meals:

1. Oatmeal w/banana

2. Vegan omelette: mushroom, onion, cheese, tomato

3. Chinese Food: Vegetables, Freakin' expensive fish & melon soup, rice, mushroom & beef, chicken

4. Fruit & Choco Pie

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