Saturday, July 27, 2013

#ThisIsMyJuly Day 27

Woah! Starting tomorrow, it's a new day, a new week, and it's almost the end of July! (Ek school!). Also, on Monday, KCON will be announcing another "epic" artist! I'm thinking of Epik High (omg lol), but that's just trolling. I just hope it isn't SNSD because I will really go berserk and sell my ticket off immediately!

I've been eating mindlessly for these past two days: eating boxes of choco-pie. My mom hasn't really bought me ingredients to make what I want until today... So let's start healthy again tomorrow! It's another day, and another chance to regain myself!

Daily Meals:

1. Vegan omelette and fried fish

2. Boiled beef w/cilantro (omg I love this so much!)

3. Crazy mindless eating

4. Vegetables and wonton with hot sauce. (I'm adding anything spicy to my food now to increase my metabolism!

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