*You see the new caps? haha I decided to title it because when I look back at my blog in mobile ver, I realized that just saying "Days" is pretty idiotic when people don't know what you're referring to!
It's definite. Chinese Food is superrrr unhealthy...and I've been eating it all my life D:
Actually, I'm not sure LOL But the snack that my mom brought home today were super high in calories. 100g of cashews were what, 500 calories? Haha. Damn. That's a lot.
I've said in a previous post that KCON is coming up very soon, but I decided that I'm not going. It's two weeks into the start of school, and if I want a bright future (rather than a saesang, sorry) as a doctor, I got to push away useless things (but I still love kpop with all my heart). Maybe I'll go in two years, when most of my school things are finished.
As of now, I'll have to settle for HD fancams~ If I were to go to KCON, I would have to volunteer at CXO again, and I would love to do that, but it's not the same if it's volunteering one day, and then going home the next :c Sorry CXO! Next years, I promise I'll help out~
On another note...I'm not really sure if I'm doing the workouts right, but today was ab workouts, and I mostly felt it in my legs and arms.... For example, in the lower ABC Abs, I felt it in my thighs when moving the legs around. I'm weird.
Anyways, the beginner calendar is going to end soon! So fast! Next month, I'll move onto the regular workout calendar~! I can't wait. omg
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