Sunday, June 9, 2013

[BLOGILATES] Day 4: Unsuccessful

Since it is Saturday where I live, my grandparents and siblings always go to McDonalds and bring me back Chicken McNuggets and soda. However, I made the change by saying no the the junk food, and placed it away.

I didn't eat any.. until dinner where I was starving like crazy because I did Day 4's workout including Pop Cardio: Fat Melting Routine x4....

And all I ate before doing the exercise was eggs, salad, and fruit.. not "energy food".

Oh yeah, I also watched a bit of Henry's Trap Live performance with Taemin & Kyuhyun before doing the pop cardio! lol

For dinner, I had a bit of steak, cereal (lol yeah I know I'm weird), salad, and more fruit. I'm in love with fruits these days! Thanks to an awesome Panda friend who urged me to eat more fruit and less meat! c: Thank you! <3 

In today's workout, I really did feel my hamstrings working. I felt the pain. TT.TT 

TOMORROW IS AB WORKOUT GUYS. I DON'T WANT TO DO IT. I HATE ABC ABS. D: My core is going to burn like crazy tomorrow and the day after .__. Oh wells. "Train like a beast, look like a beauty." (Let's hope that's true! LOL)

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