Saturday, June 15, 2013

[MISC] Music

*MISC stands for Miscellaneous


Music is something that's in everyone's life--no matter the form of music. That's right. There's other forms of music. Music can be something that only you can hear and understand while everyone else looks at you with that weird face. 

Then, there's the other kind of music that everyone listens to. American songs, kpop, Chinese, rap, R&B, etc. Personally, even though I live in America, I dislike American songs in general. Their explicit "sexual intentions and frustrations" are portrayed in the song, and I'm not that kind of girl...That's why I listen to Kpop. Sure, I may not know a thing about kpop, but does it matter? I don't need to understand the message. The songs are catchy, the mvs are interesting, and perfectly filmed. 

I believe music is something that everyone needs and has. The kind of music one listens to portrays their current feelings and their music style. If one listens to classic, they might be looked as "calm and quiet", but I don't believe music reflects "who you are", but what you're feeling. One person can be interested in rock and roll, but listen to ballads suddenly. The reason could be because they are depressed or sad that something occured. There's many possibilities. 

I listen to music as a way to relieve myself from my stress and many other frustrating things. Music is a wonderful thing and shouldn't be taken lightly. 

As Aldous Huxley said, 

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."

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