Friday, June 21, 2013

[BLOGILATES] Day 17: Problems

The dinner I made was just too delicious. I didn't eat rice! (That's a first...) I used a tortilla bread wrap, spread cheese on it for flavor and the base; then added chopped lettuce, tomatoes, and topped it with a bit of salad dressing; and added some minced roasted beef. It was super low in calories, and I was stuffed!!

In the morning, I realized that I should never add bananas into my oatmeal, and just eat them on the side. Without mixing the oatmeal, I found that the oatmeal was much more tasty and I didn't have a hard time eating it.

Similar to yesterday, I had salad for late night snack....but then my cravings came in. I opened the freezer, then I saw the ice cream..... I had to eat some. I was literally staring at it for so long. TT.TT So I ate some... then did an extra round of cardio to burn it off (why did I even eat it if I was going to do more cardio? ugh).

 Photo: [JUST ANNOUNCED] KCON, the Star-Studded K-Pop Concert & Convention is coming to LA Memorial Sports Arena on 8/24-25!

Then...something that just happened now... I want to go to KCON, but I can't! :c Actually, I don't even know if I want to... I do want to, but I don't want to at the same time.. I didn't even go to BAP's concert! And I'm a BIG BAP fan. Probobly one thing that's holding me back is that school starts two weeks before KCON. KCON being two days, meaning it's going to be on a Sunday too, would interfere with my school. I have school on Monday...and I know that going to concerts, I would arrive at home VERY LATE (b/c of the stalking I do with my friends LOL)

So I don't know... Should I go? KCON is very cheap compared to other concerts coughsmtowncough (smtown was so damn expensive!). Should I?

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